Tuesday, April 19, 2011


weigh in: 157.0 lbs
gain of: 0.2 pound

Okay, I have been punished enough for my cheat, right?!  I am getting so frustrated and just want to move on down.  I have been sitting here around 157 since FRIDAY!!!  

I will never cheat again, I will never cheat again, I will never cheat again! :)

Hope you all are doing better than me!

(And in reference to post below... I just bought Wobenzym at my local health food store- I had originally bought it when my husband was experiencing tendinitis, which it also cleared up.  Or, you could probably find it online too if need be.)    


  1. BTW - I'm loving your new widget of pictures :) AWESOME WORK!

  2. It's ok! small step back to make room for a good step forward. Be patient you got this!
