Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of 2009

Happy New Year's Eve!

I have so enjoyed being a part of this community of people on a journey to a healthier lifestyle and slimmer self. You all have played such a huge role in my success, developing confidence and transformation both physical and internal! I cannot thank you all enough for your support, comments and care! I have expressed so much this year in this blog, which I never thought I would ever be capable or willing of doing.

I would like to take a moment and look back on this past year in the realm of personal growth. 2009 will go down in my personal history as the year when I started coming into my own. Not merely because of significant weight loss, but because I allowed myself to fully experience and actively seek personal change: To allow myself to think differently about myself. I am not that awkward and extremely self-conscious person anymore. Sure, I still have many things to work on in 2010 and for that matter, all the rest of my years. However, for the first time in my life, going into a new year I actually feel different as if being on the brink of the rest of my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but past years I felt as though I was merely changed due to the natural passage of time and not because of my desire to make that decision.

I am excited for 2010 and all the work still to be done! As I looked back on my resolutions it seems that what I really want to focus on this upcoming year are relationships. Relationships between myself and my dear children, my loving husband, my much loved extended family, people I work with and people passed by just in daily life. Making these relationships positive and of utmost importance will be my mission and delight! I want to challenge myself to do the best I can in this realm. I want to remember perfection is not the goal or even a reality, but rather simply caring to reflect on not only my mistakes but also my accomplishments, and to either correct or embellish these realizations will go a long ways to making me a better person.

2010, here we come!

“Boldog új évet kívánok” in Hungarian, or for short, “BUÉK!” means "I wish you a Happy New Year!"


  1. May I just cut and paste this post onto my blog? I completely and totally relate.

    Much love to you and Happy New Year!

  2. Well said Caitlyn! Happy New Year!

  3. Beautifully put, Caitlin! I always look forward to reading your blog, and always learn something from you!

    Hugs to you, and a very Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you guys so much for your lovely comments. It makes me just so happy to read your feedback. And, you know I learn so much more just having this blog- more than I would normally, because I am seeking different information and reading all the enlightening posts made by you all! I just love it! Happy New Year, my friends!!! :)
