Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 9, Round 3

weigh in: 146.4 pounds
loss of: 1.0 pound
total loss of: 8.8 pounds in 8 days!!!

Pretty... pretty... pretty good! :) Any, Curb Your Enthusiasm fans out there, will get that. :) I was so happy to see that loss today. I think it is more irritating when you do everything right and don't see much of a loss than when you know where you went wrong and can remedy it if you choose so. On those days little comfort can be had with understanding that it is normal and to be expected.... Anyway...

Lunch: hamburger patty cooked with onion, and an orange.
Dinner: chicken tenderloin with orange on spinach.

I will write more later!
Have a great day everyone!


  1. The incredible shrinking woman!!!!

  2. Okay - forgive me as I haven't visited in a while - but you are in your THIRD round since July? I too started in July but I am just on my 2nd round. Is there a location on the blog where I can see stats on your loss and a time line.

  3. Thanks Nicole, and it is always good to see you on here! To answer your question, not really: you can kind of see under "Tracking my weight loss" in the sidebar, but here is the scoop. I started July 25th and did 23 days- lost 24 pounds. Then my second round I started 3 wks later and only lost 15. But with gorge days and just a rise in weight after R2 I am set back a little. R2 was so difficult on me. :( But R3 is proving to going pretty smoothly this time. Hope that helps- I am not stopping my third round until I reach 125 so not sure how long I will be on it... Thanks again!
