Friday, October 2, 2009

That's me?!

Yes, it sure is! I have always been so disapproving of most pictures taken of me, but that is changing. :) So, here is a picture of me to commemorate my entry into the 140's! It has been a good 5 years since I have weighed this much and I feel like celebrating! Not with food- just a nice picture of myself I can be proud of (no Photoshop- see post Good Riddance, Girdles! :)).

Have a happy weekend!


  1. Way to go!!! You look amazing. What an inspiration!

  2. B-E-A-utiful!!!! Just awesome! I love seeing these types of pics, because it keeps me going!

  3. Thanks so much, you guys!!! You guys are awesome and it means a lot to me to receive your comments of congratulations and encouragement! I feel so great today! Got to love these days...

  4. I'm new to your blog and you are doing GREAT!!! we're about the same as far as weight loss and i'm excited to follow your blog! :)

  5. Congrats on your weight loss so far. You look like a model! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your pic with us.

  6. Thanks again for the comments, Shawn and Autumn. I feel so GREAT! Thanks for following my blog Shawn I look forward to following yours! And thanks, Autumn- I never thought in a million years I would be confident enough to share a picture of me other than out of necessity (and not have to be a complete toothpick :)). But that is what I am really enjoying about this journey- the confidence!!! It is wonderful!

  7. You're GORGEOUS!! Congratulations!
