A documentation of an HCG experience can be more than just information and log of gain or loss. These blogs can unfold a person and uncover complex elements of a person underneath the facade of what appears to be simply a weight loss journey. I sincerely believe our physical bodies can reflect a manifestation of all our life experiences, pains and joys, wants, insecurities, delusions and clarities, loves and hates. I think it is of interest to think of our bodies as a sort of visual representation of our condition. Shedding weight that has piled on for various reasons can be an incredibly weird process that can be at separate or simultaneous times both liberating and distressing. Working through those issues reveals more than pounds and inches, but heart and soul for lack of a sufficient vocabulary.
When I started out writing my own blog I did so in the spirit of recording the facts and numbers. Incredibly boring looking back on my early posts. But, I guess I needed to start somewhere. Start writing. Start sharing. Begin finding a way to get it all out. I hope to continue to dig deeper within myself. It is kind of scary, though. I don't know if I want to be such an open book? :) That may be the Cancer in me. Can I really be honest with all the other things in my life which seem peripheral to the subject, but in reality augment the situation greatly? I am reminded of the following quote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss
Blogs are interesting phenomenons. At the tip of our fingers we have this wealth of real life experience written by everyday people on thousands, quite possibly millions of subjects and yet the ramifications or benefits, if any are relatively unknown because of its short existence?...
I want to write more, but my head is whirling from still not feeling completely up to par and also from so much to think about. Hopefully, tomorrow...
I have missed you all! Thanks for sticking with my slightly incoherent, sputter of thoughts tonight. :)
Thanks I needed to hear that!