Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I really do want to tell everyone how very much I appreciate the help and support! It is so wonderful to have people there when you need either a little boost or a correction. A comment made in my "whiny" post below was from Journey to Me Via HcG:

"I don't get your math. You need to do at least 21 days plus the 72 hours after the last dose weight (otherwise you'll have problems resetting the hypothalamus). So if I understand correctly, Saturday would be your last dose day. If you're doing shots, that means you start P3 the morning of the 13th, so just 5 more days of VLCD. If you're doing SL, then the evening of the 13th you could start P3."

Last round I asked the same exact question in a support group and a couple people replied that I would have to go at least 23 days, however they didn't say how and break it down so I could understand. I just took it to be true- 23 days of taking HCG and then 3 days of VLCD without HCG. So, this is why I like having this blog and exchanging information on a more personal basis. We follow each other's stories and care about each other a little more than if we were just in some huge support group. I am very grateful for the help, because I can do 5 more days- I think. :) I am going to get through to Saturday. Wake up Sunday and make a decision to keep going a little more on HCG or not. Thank you so very, very much!

Okay, so negate the above information. This is the correct time frame: Thank you! :)

"I AM SO SORRY - it looks like I may have given you incorrect information. I thought I had it right, but in looking at Pounds and Inches again, here is what it has to say about minimal time on the protocol in order to reset your hypothalamus:

Pages 51-52:

"We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this expresses itself, in the fact that, when in these mild cases, treatment is stopped as soon as the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained than after a full course of 23 injections.

As soon as such patients have lost all their abnormal superfluous fat, they at once begin to feel ravenously hungry in spite of continued injections. This is because HCG only puts abnormal fat into circulation and cannot, in the doses used, liberate normal fat deposits; indeed, it seems to prevent their consumption. As soon as their statistically normal weight is reached, these patients are put on 800-1000 Calories for the rest of the treatment. The diet is arranged in such a way that the weight remains perfectly stationary and is thus continued for three days after the 23rd injection. Only then are the patients free to eat anything they please except sugar and starches for the next three weeks." Journey to Me Via HcG


  1. Oy Caitlin!!! It must be in the air. All day today I just felt "off." The stress of my sons birthday party this weekend is kind of getting to me and I my stomach was upset today so I skipped lunch AND I havent hit my water amount yet and its 7:42. When I got home from work I was SO NOT in the mood to cook, so I grabbed a frozen chicken, spinach bacon pizza and I feel no guilt. It was good, but throughout the day I was wondering myself, can I really continue this for another 3-4 weeks?!? I am also debating if once I hit 30lbs lost should I just stop...I hope you make whatever decision is best for you, I support you girl!!! Good luck with your choice?

  2. Thanks, Vicky for you comment! This diet is awesome and I would be in a lot worse shape if I was just on any other diet- that is for sure! I need to keep that in mind and calm down. :) Yeah, I am going to hold out until Sat. and see how I feel Sunday morning. I can be and should be happy with the results so far, but I can't help but get frustrated. :( You are doing great and I bet you can't wait for your cruise coming up?! At least we are all in the same HCG boat. :) (which is a good boat to be in...)

  3. I'm so glad it made sense! I couldn't do this protocol without the support. It's both the hardest and easiest thing I've done. :) I'm sure you know what I mean!

  4. I AM SO SORRY - it looks like I may have given you incorrect information. I thought I had it right, but in looking at Pounds and Inches again, here is what it has to say about minimal time on the protocol in order to reset your hypothalamus:

    Pages 51-52:

    "We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this expresses itself, in the fact that, when in these mild cases, treatment is stopped as soon as the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained than after a full course of 23 injections.

    As soon as such patients have lost all their abnormal superfluous fat, they at once begin to feel ravenously hungry in spite of continued injections. This is because HCG only puts abnormal fat into circulation and cannot, in the doses used, liberate normal fat deposits; indeed, it seems to prevent their consumption. As soon as their statistically normal weight is reached, these patients are put on 800-1000 Calories for the rest of the treatment. The diet is arranged in such a way that the weight remains perfectly stationary and is thus continued for three days after the 23rd injection. Only then are the patients free to eat anything they please except sugar and starches for the next three weeks."

    :( I'm sorry!
